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Prices: US Dollars
Circulated Mix 95% Copper US Pennies (1 Pound Bag)
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Circulated Mix 95% Copper US Pennies (1 Pound Bag)

Product Information

The most inexpensive form of copper bullion available today!

Pennies minted in the United States prior to and during the first part of 1982 were comprised of 95% pure copper (minted and processed entirely in the USA) and 5% zinc.

Pennies are viewed as a good investment choice by many metal enthusiasts because they are easily recognizable, and their content is backed by one of the most trusted institutions in the country; the US Mint.  Pennies have a low downside risk as they have a floor at cash value, and an unlimited upside potential as the price of copper rises.

Our Circulated Mix Copper Bullion products contain coins in the condition they are pulled from circulation with no additional treatment.  The coins have been carefully separated from their zinc counter-parts via a precision mechanical process.  The coins are packaged in a heat-sealed plastic bag.

Looking for larger quantities?  This product is also available in a
5-pound bag.

Please note that there is currently a melt-ban in place on US pennies.  With ease of recognition and government-backed purity, pennies are a great form of bullion in their current form, much like 90% silver US coins are traded as bullion today.

Ships to the US only.  No international sales on US Pennies.


(Based on 1 Reviews)

Price: $4.50

Brand/Manufacturer: Government Issued

Product Code: 900-1010
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